Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов во всем мире.
Наша задача - защищать женщин и мужчин на работе. Для этого мы разрабатываем и производим комплексные решения по индивидуальной и коллективной защите для профессионалов по всему миру.
Мы помогаем вам повышать свою квалификацию с помощью обучения, наших учебных пособий и наших экспертных центров. Наш центр загрузки позволяет легко найти всю информацию о продуктах и нормативных документах по нашим сериям.
Более 45 лет компания "Дельта Плюс" разрабатывает, стандартизирует, производит и распространяет по всему миру полный комплекс решений в области средств индивидуальной и коллективной защиты (СИЗ) для защиты профессионалов на производстве.
Блог "Дельта Плюс". Следите за последними новостями группы Delta Plus и узнавайте больше о выборе СИЗ, изменениях в нормативных актах и т. д. Для тех, кто более склонен к техническим вопросам, загляните в наш раздел "Уголок эксперта".
EPI non-magnetic, ESD, antistatic... what's the difference?
ESD, non-magnetic or antistatic: which PPE should you choose? To help you find your way around when choosing your equipment, we explain everything.
Work gloves: the EN388 standard is changing
For even greater safety, the EN388 standard is evolving: Delta Plus is bringing its range of work gloves into line.
Fibre, gauge, coating: how to choose your work gloves?
Work gloves are designed to protect your hands. So it's essential to choose them well. But how do you find your way around the 250 Delta Plus models? We'll explain.
Delta Plus, partner of the Roc d'Azur CIC cycling event
Roc d'Azur CIC, the international mountain bike event, is celebrating its 40th anniversary: Delta Plus is the new official partner. Saddle up!
Coping with heatwaves at work: 10 best practices
Working in heatwaves can be exhausting and even dangerous. Here are 10 things you can do to ensure the comfort and safety of your operators.
Irritant and toxic substance-free PPE
Repeated wearing of certain protective equipment can cause skin irritation or reactions to those with allergies or sensitive skin. Delta Plus can help you identify "PPE without".
Финансы,Positive impact
EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus
Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard
A new R&D centre to design tomorrow's PPE
Focus on the challenges facing the Delta Plus R&D centre in Apt: 1,500 m2 of new premises dedicated to improving the PPE and EPC range.
Delta Plus awarded Best Managed Companies by Deloitte
Delta Plus is one of 19 French companies to be awarded the 2024 label in Deloitte France's Best Managed Companies programme.
Climate change: PPE against the cold adapts
Climate change is affecting the seasons and changing the daily lives of outdoor workers: our 2023-2024 winter PPE collection is adapting.
Graphene PPE against extreme heat
In response to the challenges posed by global warming, Delta Plus is developing thermoregulating PPE incorporating graphene. Focus on this innovative material.
5 best practices for maintaining your PPE
Compliance with PPE maintenance and storage instructions is essential if you want to ensure that your PPE is effective, clean and long-lasting. 5 tips to help you.
PPE and CPE: a 360° offer for optimal protection
Delta Plus is committed to building a fall protection offer combining PPE and CPE: discover the complementarity of this equipment.
Мероприятие,Delta Plus Inside
Olympic Games 2024 - Jérôme Benoit, Olympic torchbearer
This Wednesday 19 June, Jérôme Benoit, CEO of Delta Plus Group, will take part in the Olympic Torch Relay in Apt.
The Delta Plus technical training centres
With 6 technical training centres around the world, Delta Plus also teaches you the correct use of fall arrest equipment.
Dielectric equipment: vital protection
Dielectric PPE is essential for the safety of technicians working on electrical sites. Delta Plus has developed dedicated harnesses and lanyards.
Delta Plus centres of excellence: an example of synergies in the safety footwear segment
Delta Plus is committed to creating synergies to constantly improve its products and innovate to improve the safety of men and women.
Delta Plus Inside,Мероприятие
Delta Plus launches its new website
Today, we are proud to unveil our brand new website, which brings together under a single banner all the activities of the Delta Plus Group (personal protective equipment and collective protection systems), throughout the world.
Securing Solid Sail
Heading to Saint-Nazaire! Light on Solid Sail! This rigid sail developed by Chantiers de l’Atlantique, one of the world leaders in the highly complex ship and offshore installation markets, has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the ships on which it is installed by 40%.
Vertic becomes Delta Plus
The Delta Plus group is now France's leading manufacturer of personal protective equipment and collective protection systems.