Kariéra - Delta Plus
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Delta Plus
Najlepšie riešenia pre kolektívne zariadenia & OOPP
Pole pôsobnosti
Ponúkame viac ako o školenia, ponúkame skutočnú stratégiu, ktorej cieľom je zabezpečiť, aby naši zamestnanci rozvíjali svoje zručnosti v rámci svojich úloh aj kariéry.
Ponúkame širokú škálu pracovných pozícií, ktoré pokrývajú celý životný cyklus výrobku a jeho podporných funkcií.
Pretože chceme, aby sa naši zamestnanci cítili dobre v práci aj mimo nej.
Využívajte výhody medzinárodnej spoločnosti, či už v rámci našich dcérskych spoločností po celom svete, alebo v našej centrále v Apt, kde sú koordinované všetky aktivity.
"My professional experience at Delta Plus has been very rewarding thanks to the excellent support and personalised supervision provided by my managers. This has enabled me to put my theoretical knowledge into practice and develop my skills in a good atmosphere and stimulating environment."
Louis, work-study student , 2024/2025
Skúsenosti od 1 do 3 rokov
"I joined the Delta Plus IT team 6 months ago. I've enjoyed the warm welcome I've received from my colleagues. It's with the same enthusiasm that I discover each day this exciting adventure to share with the team."
Viac ako 3 roky praxe
"For more than 20 years, I've had the pleasure of coming to work every morning, participating in the development of our company and keeping abreast of the global economic context, all of which makes for an enriching day-to-day experience. I'm proud to be part of a Group that has managed to grow while preserving its values.
Key Account Manager France (H/F)
Attaché(e) technico commercial
Assistant administration des ventes/Assistante administration des ventes
Training Manager H/F
Attaché(e) Commercial(e) Sud Ouest
Magasinier - Cariste H/F
Spécialiste Métier Métal - Mécanique H/F
Responsable Production Usine H/F
Stage en Communication Institutionnelle
Financial Planning & Analysis Manager H/F
Technicien(ne) R&D
Responsable Achats H/F
Assistant(e) de gestion logistique
Acheteur H/F
Product Manager Systems H/F
Chef d'Équipe Monteur Travail en Hauteur - Grenoble H/F
Technicien Méthodes et Industrialisation H/F
Customer Service Rep, Order Support
Warehouse Associate
1st Shift Forklift Operator M-F
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Vítanie spolupráce všetkých kultúr a prostredí
- ÚCTA -
Jednanie s každým s náležitou pozornosťou
Pozorné počúvanie druhých s cieľom plne pochopiť ich očakávania
Dôveryhodný partner
- Pay gap indicator: 38
- Individual pay rise rate gap indicator: 35
- Return from maternity leave indicator: not calculable
- High pay indicator: 10
- Pay gap indicator: 38
- Individual salary increase rate gap indicator: 35
- Return from maternity leave indicator: not calculable
- High-pay indicator: 0