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Delta Plus News Electrician PPE: protecting yourself from electrical risk

Electrician PPE: protecting yourself from electrical risk

To carry out their work safely, electricians must be equipped with high-performance PPE. This equipment helps prevent electrical shocks, as well as other risks that are common on construction sites.

Electrician PPE: protecting yourself from electrical risk

To carry out their work safely, electricians must be equipped with high-performance PPE. This equipment helps prevent electrical shocks, as well as other risks that are common on construction sites.


Electrician PPE: protecting yourself from electrical risk

Update 30.01.25

Occupational risks for electricians

According to the International Labour Organisation, electrical safety has a number of facets in the workplace, and must help to prevent different types of risk.
Electricians work in an environment where hazards are omnipresent and fall into several categories.


Electrical risks

Incidents of electrification and electrocution are still rare among electricians, accounting for 1% of accidents at work involving these professionals. However, when they do occur, they can be serious or even fatal, in the event of direct or indirect contact with live conductors.
Prolonged exposure to high voltages can also lead to burns caused by electric arcs. Finally, working as an electrician in an ATEX zone represents a particularly high risk of explosion in the event of a spark or the presence of static electricity.

Mechanical risks for electricians

Because they work on building sites or in confined spaces, electricians are also exposed to mechanical risks: these are the cause of 73% of accidents at work. Handling, falling objects, slips, cuts from tools and impacts are all daily hazards.


Risks of falling

Electricians may regularly have to work at height, on a stepladder, scaffolding or even on a pylon or wind turbine. Falling represents a significant risk, as the consequences can be severe. 22% of occupational accidents suffered by electricians are linked to falls from height.


Climatic risks in the electricity sector

Electrical professionals working on outdoor sites may encounter climatic conditions that require protection against the cold, wind and rain.
The combination of these risks requires specific personal protective equipment (PPE) , the use of which must be linked to the context:
- working indoors or outdoors
- on a site in the presence of other construction workers or in isolation,
- on live or de-energised systems, etc.

In some cases, multi-risk Electricians PPE will be required to enable operators to carry out their work in complete safety.


Electrical PPE essentials

To protect themselves against these various occupational hazards, electricians must wear suitable PPE that complies with current standards and offers protection from head to toe.

When working on live systems, these technicians must be equipped with insulating PPE, known as ‘dielectric’ PPE.

Essential equipment for electricians includes :

  • Gloves: insulating latex gloves protect against injury, but also against electric shocks. Some gloves also protect against electric arcs. However, these electricians' PPE must allow you to maintain a certain degree of dexterity and a good grip on your tools.
  • Insulating clothing is also often conspicuous, with reflective strips so that it can be seen from a distance on a worksite. The thickness of these garments and the nature of the fabric will also be chosen to suit the climatic conditions.
  • Safety shoes or boots for electricians have insulating soles and no metal toecaps, to prevent electrical conduction through the ground,
  • Protective goggles are other essential PPE to reduce the risk of injury from sparks and projections of various particles,
  • Protective helmets prevent injury and dizziness if the electrician bumps or receives an object on the head. Our Onyx 2 worksite helmet is dielectric and fitted with a visor, providing triple protection against head impacts, sparks and electrocution.
  • Anti-static PPE (ESD) will be essential when working in ATEX zones, to limit the risk of sparks and hence explosions: balaclavas, shoes, gloves and suitable clothing are all compulsory electrical PPE.
  • Harnesses and safety lanyards are used by electricians working at height. This type of PPE prevents falls and ensures greater stability during work. Here again, Delta Plus has developed a dielectric harness and lanyard,
  • Finally, earplugs or ear muffs may be necessary in noisy environments, while breathing masks help protect against dust, chemical fumes and asbestos particles .

Delta Plus offers a wide range of personal protective equipment for electricians, and the challenge is to be able to combine the right PPE for each risk in all the different areas in which these professionals work.


Looking for electrical PPE?

To make the right choice, contact our sales teams: to equip you as closely as possible to the needs of your teams, our experts can offer you a workstation audit for personalised support  with recommendations for the Delta Plus PPE best suited to your professional practice.


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