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Pomagamy rozwijać umiejętności poprzez szkolenia, samouczki i centra wiedzy specjalistycznej. Nasze centrum pobierania ułatwia znalezienie wszystkich informacji o produktach i przepisach dotyczących naszej oferty.

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Od ponad 45 lat Delta Plus projektuje, standaryzuje, produkuje i dystrybuuje na całym świecie pełen zestaw rozwiązań w zakresie środków ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej (ŚOI) w celu ochrony profesjonalistów w pracy.

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How can I track my order after it has been dispatched ?

To track your order once it has been dispatched, you can contact our after-sales service. We are at your disposal:

Please refer to our contact page.


When making your request, please remember to include your order number to ensure rapid processing. 

I'd like to work for you. How do I go about it ?

We're always on the lookout for new talent to join our teams! If you would like to apply :
Click here to consult our current vacancies.

Joining Delta Plus means joining an innovative, dynamic company committed to protecting people at work. We look forward to hearing from you!

Can I change the billing address on my account ?

You cannot change the billing address directly on your account. However, we are here to help you if you need to do so.
To request a change, please please find our contact page.


In certain specific cases, such as a change of supplier or an administrative change, we will assess the feasibility of your request and guide you through the process. Please prepare the necessary information, such as your customer account number and new billing address, to facilitate processing.

How long does it take to process my order?

We make every effort to process your order as quickly as possible. In general:
Standard processing: Your order will be processed the same day or within a maximum of 48 working hours after it has been validated.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive a dispatch confirmation email. If you have any special requirements regarding lead times, please do not hesitate to contact us directly to discuss them.

How to enter a promotional code when placing an order ?

To use a promotional code, follow the steps below.


  1. Add your items to the basket → Press ‘Validate my basket’, to proceed to the next step.
  2. Fill in the required fields → Press ‘Continue’, to go on to the next step.
  3. Check the order summary
  4. In the ‘Order name displayed in your personalised area’ box, enter the action code (for example, DP84) → Press ‘Continue’ to go on to the next step.
  5. Congratulations, your order has been taken into account and will be processed as soon as possible.

How to order on the Delta Plus website ?

To place an order on our site, follow the steps below:


  • Log in to the ‘My account’ area.
  • Select the products you wish to buy by choosing your sizes/colours/accessories... and add them to the basket.
  • Once your selection is complete, validate the basket and follow the instructions to finalise the order.
  • Your order will be processed as soon as possible.

What payment methods are available ?

We accept the following methods of payment:


  • Bank transfer 
  • Letter of Exchange Relevé (LCR)
  • Draft 

Can I place an order as a private individual ?

At Delta Plus, our products are intended exclusively for professional customers. We therefore do not take orders directly from private individuals.

However, if you are an individual interested in our products :
You can consult our entire range and access the technical documentation directly on our website.
We invite you to contact an approved Delta Plus distributor who will be able to meet your needs.
To find a distributor near you, click here.

Can I change my order after I have placed it ?

Yes, it is possible to modify your order under certain conditions. We invite you to contact our teams as soon as possible in order to evaluate the possibilities of modification according to the state of processing of your order.

Please note: once your order has been dispatched, the scope for making changes is limited.

In this case, we will guide you through the options available, such as a return or an exchange.

How to connect for the first time to my Delta Plus account?

You need to use your former customer code

  1. Click on the button my account at the top of your screen
  2. Choose connection with custome code
  3. Fill the form with customer code, email adress and firstname and name
  4. Then choose your new password linked to your email adress
  5. Now you are connected to your account
  6. For the next connections, use you email adress as ID and your new password.

Find in video our tutorial to help you: 



What are the delivery times?

You can count on between 5 and 8 working days from the time your order is prepared and dispatched.
You will receive an email as soon as your order has been dispatched.

Do you offer a ‘Vending machine’ service for PPE?

We offer a new ‘Vending machine’ service.

In support of our partner, we are implementing a productivity-enhancing solution to provide you with a 24-hour service for the distribution of PPE.

This solution, available in our general catalogue (page 19), is designed for long-term sites such as industrial sites or the construction industry.

An initial discussion will be necessary to identify your needs and ensure that the project is cost-effective.

I have a problem with the carrier. What should I do?

If you encounter a problem with the carrier (delay, damage, loss or dispute over reservations), here are the steps to follow to resolve the situation quickly:


Contact our customer service department if necessary:
If the problem persists, or if you need assistance, our teams are available to support you in your efforts.

As a reminder, all shipping-related documents (order form, invoice) can be found in your "My Account" area in the "My Documents" category.


How do I contact customer service?

Our sales and support teams are available to assist you for:


UK & Ireland: 

Our sales and support teams are available to assist you from Monday to Thursday: 8:30am -12:00am / 1:30am -5:30pm and Friday: 8:30am-12:00am / 1:30pm-5:00pm


+01254 686100


United Arabic Emirates:

Our sales and support teams are available to assist you with your queries from Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm


00 971 6 557 2285



Jaka jest maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych użytkowników stałego systemu powstrzymywania spadania?

Maksymalna liczba jednoczesnych użytkowników zależy od systemu.

Dla systemów poziomych:

  • 5 użytkowników na poziomej kablowej linii życia,
  • 2 użytkowników na punkt kotwiczący,
  • i 2 użytkowników pomiędzy każdym uchwytem mocującym szynowej linii życia.

Czy kontrole stałych systemów ochrony przed upadkiem z wysokości są obowiązkowe?

Tak, w przypadku wszystkich stałych systemów ochrony osobistej uznawanych za środki ochrony indywidualnej.

W przypadku innych rozwiązań chroniących przed upadkiem z wysokości zdecydowanie zalecamy stosowanie się do zaleceń francuskiego funduszu emerytalnego i medycyny pracy C.A.R.S.A.T. i ich stosowanie.

Jak złożyć zamówienie na stałe systemy powstrzymywania upadku?

Skontaktuj się z regionalnym kierownikiem sprzedaży lub wyślij zapytanie do naszego działu wsparcia sprzedaży pod adresem adv.systems@deltaplus.fr

Gdzie można znaleźć dokumentację techniczną i certyfikaty zgodności dla systemów stałego powstrzymywania spadania?

Dostęp do całej naszej dokumentacji technicznej i handlowej można uzyskać na naszej stronie internetowej, dostępnej 24 godziny na dobę, 7 dni w tygodniu.

Gdzie można znaleźć ogólne warunki sprzedaży stałych systemów powstrzymywania spadania?

Nasze Ogólne Warunki Sprzedaży są dostępne bezpośrednio na naszej stronie internetowej.

Czy posiadasz własne zespoły instalacyjne dla stałych systemów ochrony przed upadkiem z wysokości?

Tak, mamy własne zespoły montażowe.

Są oni przeszkoleni i wykwalifikowani do pracy na wysokości. Potrafią dostosować się do ograniczeń na miejscu i zainstalować systemy zabezpieczające przed upadkiem w dowolnym miejscu we Francji: ATEX, CACES PEMP, CATEC - ograniczone przestrzenie, technik dostępu linowego, członek zespołu pierwszej interwencji, rusztowanie, układarka, gesty i postawy, kwalifikacje elektryczne H0B0, kwalifikacje mechaniczne, operator mostu zawiesiowego, referent ds. zapobiegania azbestowi, operator SS4 zapobiegania azbestowi, ryzyko chemiczne N1, bezpieczeństwo na wysokości, świadomość ryzyka drogowego, SST itp.