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Our mission

For more than 45 years, Delta Plus designs, standardises, manufactures, and distributes globally a full set of solutions in personal and collective protective equipment (PPE) to protect professional at work.

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Standards and directives

We operate in a regulated global market in many countries. Thus, we must manage requirements that may vary greatly between countries or regions.
The common goal of our product managers and services is to offer reliable, sustainable, high-performance products in compliance with the regulations and/or standards of each territory where they are used.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards



Standard EN ISO 10819 specifies performance requirements for vibration attenuation through gloves. The vibration-reducing material must also satisfy thickness and consistency requirements. It should be noted that these gloves can reduce but not eliminate health risks associated with handtransmitted vibration exposure.

Vibration transmissibility in one-third-octave frequency bands from 25 to 200Hz must be equal to or less than 0.90. The one calculated in one-third-octave frequency bands from 200 to 1250 Hz must be equal to or less than 0.60.


Specification of the requirements for automatic welding filters, i.e. welding screens with automatic variation of the transmission factor. These screens are intended to protect operators during welding and related techniques..

EN 170

Specifications of level numbers and of requirements relating to the transmittance of the filters for protection against ultraviolet radiation.

EN 172

Specification of level numbers and requirements relating to the transmittance of filters for protection against solar radiation, industrial use.


Requirements and test methods for gloves used for manual welding of metals, for cutting and related techniques. Welder gloves are ranked in two types: B when great dexterity is required (e.g.: TIG welding), and A for other welding processes.


Material specifications, design, performance and test methods for eye and face mesh type protective, for professional use.


This standard provides requirements for protective gloves that are worn in an environment producing ionising radiation or in an environment containing radioactive substances.

A glove protecting against radioactive contamination must be waterproof according to EN374-2.

A glove that protects against ionising radiation must, in addition to being waterproof according to EN374-2, contain a certain amount of heavy metal such as lead.

EN 175

Specifications for the safety requirements for eye and face protection equipment for welding and related techniques (filters frames/ media).


Connection element or equipment component. A connector can be karabiner or a snap hook.
Class A: Anchorage connector, automatic lock used as the component and designed to be connected directly to a specific type of anchorage.
Class B: Primary connector with automatic lock used as the component.
Class M: Multi-purpose connector, primary or quick opening, used as a component, which can be loaded along its major axis or minor axis.
Class Q: Quick opening connector used in long-term or permanent applications, screw lock. When completely screwed this part is a supporting part of the
Class T: Manufactured end connector, automatic lock, designed as part of a subsystem for attachment so that the load is carried in a predetermined direction.


Component of a fall arrest equipment, which guarantees the stop of a fall from a height in safety by reducing the impact of the shock.

WARNING: If we associate a lanyard energy absorber, the total length of the entire device must not exceed 2 m.


Beschrijft de artikelen en de situaties voor individuele bescherming tegen valrisico’s.


Element of a fall arrester system to which a personal protective equipment can be fastened.
Type A - NON PPE : Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points with the need of a structural anchor.
Type B: Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points without the need of a structural anchor.
Type C - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a flexible anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type D - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a rigid anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type E: Anchor device for use on surfaces with a maximum slope of 5°.