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Our mission

For more than 45 years, Delta Plus designs, standardises, manufactures, and distributes globally a full set of solutions in personal and collective protective equipment (PPE) to protect professional at work.

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Standards and directives

We operate in a regulated global market in many countries. Thus, we must manage requirements that may vary greatly between countries or regions.
The common goal of our product managers and services is to offer reliable, sustainable, high-performance products in compliance with the regulations and/or standards of each territory where they are used.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards


EN148-1 : standard threaded joint

This standard is specific to the standard connection system of the cartridge for full face masks.

EN405 : half-masks fitted with valves and gas filters or compound filters

It contains laboratory tests to check the conformity with resistance to handling and wear, to impacts, to flame and with respiratory resistance.

EN143 : filters against particles

It contains laboratory tests to check the conformity with resistance to impacts, to temperature, to humidity and corrosive atmospheres and with mechanical and respiratory resistance.

EN149 : filtering half-masks

It contains laboratory tests to check the conformity with resistance to impacts, to cleansers and disinfectants, to temperature, to fl ame and with respiratory resistance.

THE REGULATION (European Union)

Its objective is to develop test methods and requirements in the form of standards defining the technical specifications of products. Some of them, mostly requirements standards, are harmonised with EU Regulation 2016/425. Compliance with these harmonised standards gives an assurance of compliance with the requirements of EU Regulation 2016/425

EN397 : Protective helmets for industry


Impact*: force transmitted to the headform must not exceed 5 kN at the fall of an object of 5 kg from a 1 m height. The impact energy of the helmet at
the end of the test is 49 J.
Penetration*: the tip of the mass used in the test (3 kg over 1 m) must not come into contact with the skull.
Flammability: the helmet should not burn with fl ame emission more than 5 seconds after removal of the fl ame.
* The impact and penetration tests are performed at room temperature, at 50°C and at -10°C.


In extreme temperatures: impact and penetration tests are conducted at room temperature at 150°C, at -20°C or -30°C.
Protects against accidental short-term contact with a live electrical conductor up to 440 VAC.
Protects against lateral compression. The maximum deformation of the helmet should be ≤ 40 mm.
Resistance to molten metal splashes.


Its objective is to develop test methods and requirements in the form of standards defining the technical specifications of products. Some of them, mostly requirements standards, are harmonised with EU Regulation 2016/425. Compliance with these harmonised standards gives an assurance of compliance with the requirements of EU Regulation 2016/425.

EN458 : Hearing protection

Recommendations for selection, use and maintenance.


EN352 : Exigences of safety and tests.

• EN352-1 : the ear-muff s.

• EN352-2 : the earplugs.

• EN352-3 : the adjustable head defenders for the safety helmets.

• EN352-4 : Noise cancelling headphones with level dependent attenuation.

• EN352-6 : Earmuff s with electrical audio input.

• EN352-8 : Audio enabled earmuff s. These standards establish requirements with regards to the manufacture, the design, performances and test methods.

They stipulate the putting at disposal relative to the characteristics.

EN50365 : Electrical insulation helmets for use in low voltage environment


Electrically insulating helmets for use near energised equipment not exceeding 1000 VAC or 1500 VDC (appliance class 0).
Used simultaneously with other electrically insulating protective equipment, these helmets prevent dangerous currents passing through to the person's head.
These optional electrical insulation tests are more stringent than the EN397 and they complement them. (2 triangle marking, Class 0).


Requirements for chemical protection clothing with liquid-tight (type 3) or spray-tight (type 4) connections, including items providing only partial body protection (types PB [3] and PB [4]).

This standard sets out the minimum requirements for the following types of limited use and reuseable chemical protective clothing:

- Clothing protecting the full body with liquid-tight connections between the various clothing parts (Type 3: liquid-tight clothing) ;
- Clothing protecting the full body with spray-tight connections between the various clothing parts (Type 4: spray-tight clothing) ;
Note: These standards were formerly entitled EN1512 (Type 4) and EN1511 (Type 3).

EN13034 6 Against splashes
EN ISO 13982-1 5 Against dust (asbestos)
EN14605 4 Against mists
EN14605 3 Against sprays


General performance Tests & Specific performances Level of protection
3a 4a 5 6a
for the whole
Internal pressure - - - -
Leak to interior - - X -
Penetration by a jet of liquid X - - -
Penetration by a spray (liquid spraying) - X - -
Against solid particles - - X -
Penetration by a spray (light spraying) - - - X
requirements for
seams and joints
Mechanical resistance X X X X
Resistance to permeation and penetration by liquids X X - -
requirements for the constituent materials
of the garment
Abrasion / Tearing / Perforation X X X X
Resistance to tensile strength X X - X
Resistance to cracking by bending X X X -
Resistance to cracking by bending at -30°C





- -
Resistance to pemeation by liquids X X - -
Resistance to penetration by
- - - X
Repulsion to liquids - - - X

a - When the protective equipment only protects certain parts of the body (torso, arms, legs), only the performance requirements for the materials making up the garment are required required (types 6, 4 and 3).

EN ISO 11612


Protection against heat and flame. This standard specifies the performance requirements of materials and protective clothing against heat and flames. They apply to clothing made of soft material, designed to protect the human body except the hands against heat and/ or flame.
Tested are:

Test Code Performances
Limited flame spread A A1 and/or A2
Convective heat B B1 to B3
Radiant heat C C1 to C4
Molten aluminium splash D D1 to D3
Molten metal splash E E1 to E3
Contact heat F F1 to F3


EN ISO 11612

A1 A2 B1

C1 E3 F1