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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

Historia familiar

Nuestra historia



You will find here all the financial information related to our Group.

Delta Plus, is how we achieve 14% growth per year since 2016. This organic growth is complemented by external growth: 
8 acquisitions have been finalised since 2019.
Our vision and focus is on long-term sustainability.
It’s the hallmark of our independence and the hallmark of your safety.

Last financial press release


Impact of the devaluation of the Argentine peso on 2023 consolidated turnover

External growth

Our last acquisitions

The fundamental work carried out by our teams to constantly improve our service, to gain market share and to ensure profitable and sustainable growth is bearing fruit and enabling us to continue our development.

In an uncertain, changing and international economic environment, these three aspects on which we work on a daily basis remain our priority. The PPE market is no exception, and continues to concentrate, internationalise and modernise.

The same is true for Delta Plus, since in addition to our organic growth, we are also growing through acquisitions. In fact, 8 acquisitions have been finalised since 2019. Our vision and direction are focused on long-term sustainability. This is the hallmark of our independence.
Read the last press release

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Strategy and results

Arnaud Danel - Chief Financial Officer at Delta Plus group

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