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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

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Discover Our Glove Protection Program

A wide range of waterproof and cold protection gloves.

Elevate your safety and comfort with our exceptional collection.



Discover Our Glove Protection Program

Update 14.11.23

Why winter gloves?

In the frigid winter, the importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), specifically gloves with waterproof and cold protection features, cannot be overstated. These specialized gloves serve as a crucial line of defense against the harsh environmental conditions, safeguarding individuals from the biting cold and potential exposure to moisture. In professions that require outdoor activities or exposure to extreme weather, such as construction, agriculture, or emergency services, these gloves play a pivotal role in maintaining not only comfort but also the overall health and safety of workers. 

And waterproof?

The waterproof feature ensures that hands remain dry, preventing discomfort and the risk of frostbite, while the cold protection feature acts as an insulating barrier against the numbing temperatures. In Canada's winter, where temperatures can plummet significantly, these gloves are not merely a convenience but a vital necessity, ensuring that individuals can carry out their tasks efficiently and safely in the face of challenging weather conditions.



Productos #
29/06/23 09:47

Lacquering & anodizing, what are the differences ?

These two processes are used and appreciated for the aesthetism improvement of ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
Productos, Sistemas anticaídas #
29/06/23 09:47

Securing Solid Sail

Heading to Saint-Nazaire! Light on Solid Sail! This rigid sail developed by Chantiers de l’Atlantique, one of the world leaders in the highly complex ship and offshore installation markets, has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the ships on which it is installed by 40%.
Productos, Sistemas anticaídas #
29/06/23 09:47

Delta Plus Systems, P.O.F.A.M. founder member

Since 2019, the Professional Organisation of permanent Fall Arrest system Manufacturers (P.O.F.A.M. > O.P.F.S.A. in French) has brought together the leading French manufacturers of fall arrest systems.