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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

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Horizontal fall protection lifeline systems

A fall arrest system is defined as horizontal when it does not exceed a 15° slope. Our horizontal fall arrest systems can be flexible - with cables - or rigid - with rails - to adapt perfectly to the type of work to be secured.

Horizontal rail lifeline system on steel deck
Filtres 1 resultados
Sistemas permanentes
Sistemas anticaídas horizontales
Tipo de viaje
Soporte de fijación


Two different types of horizontal lifelines: rail & cable
The cable lifeline is made up of a flexible cable, itself fixed to fixed anchors called anchor points or anchor posts, and over which the attachment point for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) slides, allowing the person to move freely and in complete safety.
The rail lifeline has the same components, except that the cable is replaced by a rigid rail.
Versatile, they can be installed on a multitude of roofs: steel deck, waterproofed membrane, zinc, copper, fibre cement, concrete, metal or wooden frameworks, standing seam roofs, etc., as well as a very wide range of configurations: flat roofs, sloping roofs, industry, production areas, hangars, travelling cranes, gantries, for overhead use, work in suspension, on the facade, etc.