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Рішення для індивідуального захисту з голови до ніг

Наша робота полягає в тому, щоб захистити жінок і чоловіків на роботі. Для цього ми розробляємо та виготовляємо комплексні рішення для індивідуального та колективного захисту для професіоналів по всьому світу.

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Постійні системні рішення для захисту від падіння

Ми захищаємо чоловіків і жінок на роботі, розробляючи та виготовляючи комплексні рішення колективного захисту для професіоналів по всьому світу.


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Рішення, адаптовані до вашої галузі

Наше завдання - захистити жінок і чоловіків на роботі. З цією метою ми розробляємо та виготовляємо комплексні рішення для індивідуального та колективного захисту для професіоналів по всьому світу.

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Понад 45 років Delta Plus розробляє, стандартизує, виробляє та розповсюджує по всьому світу повний набір рішень у галузі засобів індивідуального та колективного захисту (ЗІЗ) для захисту професіоналів на робочому місці.

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Ми працюємо на глобальному ринку, який регулюється в багатьох країнах. Як наслідок, нам доводиться мати справу з вимогами, які можуть суттєво відрізнятися в різних країнах і регіонах.
Спільною метою наших менеджерів з продуктів і послуг є пропонування надійних, довговічних, високопродуктивних продуктів, які відповідають нормам і/або вимогам кожної країни. надійні, довговічні, високопродуктивні продукти, які відповідають нормам та/або стандартам кожної території, на якій вони використовуються.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards





EN ISO 374-5 specifies the requirements and test methods for protective gloves intended to protect the user against microorganisms (mold and bacteria, potentially viruses).

Penetration of molds and bacteria (tested according to EN374-2): Test by which the water and airtightness of a glove is checked.

Penetration of viruses (tested according to method B of ISO 16604): Process that determines the resistance to penetration by blood-borne pathogens.

- Test method using Phi-X174 bacteriophage.

The glove, depending on its type, will bear the following pictogram:



Examples of application:

The field of use is decisive because, depending on the case, the glove may have to combine several properties in order to meet the necessary protection requirements. It is therefore very important to refer to the recommended areas of use and the results of the laboratory tests found in the instructions for use. However, it is recommended to check that the gloves are suitable for the intended purpose by carrying out tests beforehand, because the conditions at the workplace may differ from those of the standard test, depending on the temperature, abrasion and degradation.


Standard EN ISO374-1, protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms, specifies the performance requirements required for gloves for protecting users against chemical products and/ or micro organisms and defines the terms to be used:

Penetration (tested as per standard EN374-2): Diffusion of water or air, to check the impermeability, on a non-molecular level, of a chemical product and/or micro-organism through the porosities, seams, micro-holes or other imperfections present in the material of the protective glove.

Degradation (tested as per standard EN374-4): Determination of the physical resistance of materials to degradation after continuous contact with hazardous chemicals.

Permeation (tested as per standard EN374-3 or EN16523): Process by which a chemical product diffuses through the material of a protective glove, by continuous contact, on a molecular level. The EN ISO version of standard 374-1, introduces the concept of three types of protection against the permeation of chemicals:

- Type A: The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 6 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.

- Type B : The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 2 for 3 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.

- Type C : The glove gives a performance index to permeation at least equal to 1 for 1 chemical test substances taken from the list of chemicals specified in the standard.


Standard ISO 18889 specifies the performance requirements of protective gloves for pesticide operators and re-entry workers.

G1 gloves are suitable when the potential risk is relatively low. These gloves are not suitable for use with concentrated pesticide formulations and/or for scenarios where mechanical risks exist. G1 gloves are typically single use gloves.

G2 gloves are suitable when the potential risk is higher. These gloves are suitable for use with diluted as well as concentrated pesticides. G2 gloves also meet the minimum mechanical resistance requirements and are therefore suitable for activities that require gloves with minimum mechanical strength.

GR gloves provide protection only to the palm-side of the hand for a re-entry worker who is in contact with dry and partially dry pesticide residues that remain on the plant surface after pesticide application.


The EN407 standard specifies the test methods, the general requirements, the thermal performance and the labelling of gloves and cuffs to protect from heat and fire. It applies to all gloves which must protect hands from heat and/or flames in any one or several of the following forms: fire, contact heat, convective heat, radiating heat, small spray of molten metal or large spray of melting metal.


If the product claims flammability resistance, the pictogram will be                                           

If the product does not claim any resistance to flammability (0 or X), the pictogram will be      


Standard EN ISO 10819 specifies performance requirements for vibration attenuation through gloves. The vibration-reducing material must also satisfy thickness and consistency requirements. It should be noted that these gloves can reduce but not eliminate health risks associated with handtransmitted vibration exposure.

Vibration transmissibility in one-third-octave frequency bands from 25 to 200Hz must be equal to or less than 0.90. The one calculated in one-third-octave frequency bands from 200 to 1250 Hz must be equal to or less than 0.60.


This standard provides requirements for protective gloves that are worn in an environment producing ionising radiation or in an environment containing radioactive substances.

A glove protecting against radioactive contamination must be waterproof according to EN374-2.

A glove that protects against ionising radiation must, in addition to being waterproof according to EN374-2, contain a certain amount of heavy metal such as lead.


The EN511 standard defines the requirements and test methods for cold protection gloves from cold transmitted by convection or conduction down to -30°C (optionally up to -50°C). This cold can be from climatic conditions or industrial activity.

The selection process of a cold protection glove must take into account several parameters such as the ambient temperature, the health of the person, the duration of exposure, and the level of activities...

Regulatory directives