Standard system with straight and folding upright. Also available with bending upright.
Collective protection
Freestanding solution
Guarda-corpo de alumínio autoportante, disponível nas versões reta, inclinada e dobrável.
Proteção de sistema permanente
O sistema de proteção contra quedas mais utilizado em áreas de grande circulação é o guarda-corpo. Projetado como uma barreira de proteção, ele permite o acesso seguro a um ponto específico, protege os usuários contra riscos ao trabalhar em altura e demarca áreas de perigo.
Instalados ao longo dos limites do telhado ou ao redor de máquinas industriais, os guarda-corpos permitem um acesso fácil sem a necessidade de Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPIs) contra quedas de altura, garantindo a segurança dos trabalhadores durante operações de manutenção ou limpeza.
European standards
The EVO complies with the following standards
Applies to stairs, step ladders and guardrails that are an integral part of a machine, and to stairs, step ladders and guardrails giving access to parts of the building where the machine is installed, as long as the main function of that building is to provide access to the machine. |
Technical specification "Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously |
The Italian decree NTC 2018 defines principles for the design, construction and testing of buildings, with reference to specific performance requirements. Contact us for more information. |
3 positions to choose from: straight, sloping, folding
EZclip upright locking system. The top and middle-rails simply plug into each other
Extreme lightness
thanks to a smart choice of materials and an innovative component design
Easy & quick installation
Installation-friendly has been voted fastest system on the market to install
Adaptable to a variety of settings with 7 fixing options available
Superior design
Blends in perfectly with the architecture of the building thanks to the large range of coatings available
Características de instalação
Standard system also available with straight uprights.
Standard system also available with bending uprights.