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We help you to develop your skills through training, our tutorials and our centres of expertise. Easily find all the product and regulatory information relating to our ranges thanks to our download centre.

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Our mission

For more than 45 years, Delta Plus designs, standardises, manufactures, and distributes globally a full set of solutions in personal and collective protective equipment (PPE) to protect professional at work.

Family history

Our history


Découvrez nos systèmes permanents antichute dédiés à la sécurité en hauteur 

As experts in fall protection, we are committed to design innovative solutions for your safety every day. 

We have all the systems you need

Fall protection solutions
designed to fit your environment of work


Discover or wide range of fall protection permanent systems, means of access and roof accessories.

Installation projects


Frequently asked questions
Do you have your own installation teams?

Yes, we do have our own installation teams. They are trained and qualified to work at height. They can adapt to your on-site constraints and install your fall arrest systems anywhere in France: ATEX, CACES PEMP, CATEC - Confined Spaces, Rope access technician, first intervention team member, scaffolding, stacker, gestures and postures, H0B0 electrical qualification, mechanical qualification, slinger bridge operator, asbestos prevention referent, asbestos prevention SS4 operator, N1 chemical risk, safety at height, road risk awareness, SST, etc.

Are you manufacturer?

100% of our fall protection systems range is manufactured by our own teams.
The common goal of our product managers and services is to offer reliable, sustainable, high-performance products in compliance with the regulations and/or standards of each territory where they are used.

Where can we find technical documents and certificates of conformity?

We provide you with all our technical and commercial documentation on the Extralink platform, available 24/7.
Don't hesitate to request your personal access at systems@deltaplus.fr

Where can we find the General Terms and Conditions of Sale?

Our general terms and conditions of sale can be viewed directly on our website. Please click on the link in the footer "Terms & conditions of sale".


Guide of choice - Type of fixing

Choose your solutions according to your type of fixing

  • Fixations pour charpente
  • Fixations pour couverture
  • Fixations pour façade

Roof coverings

Suitable supports for all types of materials used on the external deck of the roof


Suitable for all types of roof structure, whether made of wood, metal or concrete


Suitable for all types of lateral fixings on metal or concrete structures


Products, System #
29/06/23 09:47

Securing Solid Sail

Heading to Saint-Nazaire! Light on Solid Sail! This rigid sail developed by Chantiers de l’Atlantique, one of the world leaders in the highly complex ship and offshore installation markets, has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint of the ships on which it is installed by 40%.
Products, System #
29/06/23 09:47

Delta Plus Systems, P.O.F.A.M. founder member

Since 2019, the Professional Organisation of permanent Fall Arrest system Manufacturers (P.O.F.A.M. > O.P.F.S.A. in French) has brought together the leading French manufacturers of fall arrest systems.
Products, System #
29/06/23 09:47

Flowchart: ensuring workers safety

Ensuring workers safety while working at height, that seems obvious. But where do we start and how do we proceed? Follow the guide!

Contact us

Our sales and support teams are here to help you design your projects, Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:00 and Friday from 8:30 to 15:30.