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Delta Plus Knowledge

We help you to develop your skills through training, our tutorials and our centres of expertise. Easily find all the product and regulatory information relating to our ranges thanks to our download centre.

Our mission

For more than 45 years, Delta Plus designs, standardises, manufactures, and distributes globally a full set of solutions in personal and collective protective equipment (PPE) to protect professional at work.

Family history

Our history


Standards and directives

We operate in a regulated global market in many countries. Thus, we must manage requirements that may vary greatly between countries or regions.
The common goal of our product managers and services is to offer reliable, sustainable, high-performance products in compliance with the regulations and/or standards of each territory where they are used.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards



Requirements and test methods for gloves used for manual welding of metals, for cutting and related techniques. Welder gloves are ranked in two types: B when great dexterity is required (e.g.: TIG welding), and A for other welding processes.

THE REGULATION (European Union)



Regulatory directives