In practice, how does a workstation audit work in a company ?
Nicolas Mercier
‘Initially, the audit is either proposed by Delta Plus or carried out at the request of a company facing a particular problem.
We go to the workplace, to the users, to observe in real conditions and in detail how the operators work and what risks they face. We talk to the health and safety engineer and the operators present. Together, we determine what standards the PPE must meet.
At the end of this audit, we draw up a list of risks and recommend the Delta Plus products that are best suited in terms of technical features and operator comfort’.
How important is this approach for PPE users? And for Delta Plus?
Nicolas Mercier :
PPE users could ask their distributor for advice, but the best level of expertise is still in the hands of the manufacturer.
For Delta Plus, this approach means we can stay in touch with the field and respond as effectively as possible to the specific requirements of each user. It's also a way of understanding the changing needs of the market and designing innovative PPE.